

SKU: 3100005011


3 in stock


Longacre Bubble Camber / castor gauge

  • Reads camber from +6° to -6° accurate to 1/4°
  • Castor gauge readout from +12º to -4º in 1/2º increments.
  • Vials individually checked for accuracy, assembled on a precision fixture.
  • Critical surfaces CNC machined for accuracy.
  • New stronger magnetic adapter – dead flat surface for accuracy, won’t chip or flake.
  • Comes with silver carrying case.


Camber is measured with a castor / camber gauge and is adjusted with shims or adjustable upper a-arms. Always check toe settings when making camber or caster adjustments.

The amount of static camber that you should run is a result of testing, pyrometer measurements (LONGACRE DELUXE PYROMETER – Revolution Racegear) and front suspension geometry.

To understand castor you need to picture an imaginary line that runs from through the upper ball joint and extends through the lower ball joint. From the side view the imaginary line will tilt forward or backward. Tilting of the imaginary line is defined as castor measured in degrees.

When the imaginary line tilts towards the back of the car, at the top, you have positive castor. If the imaginary line tilts forward then you have negative castor.

Positive caster provides the directional stability in your racecar. Too much positive castor will make the steering effort difficult. Power steering would allow you to run more positive castor. Negative castor requires less steering effort but can cause the car to wander on the straights.

Camber Increments: 1/4°
Positive Camber Adjustments: 0 to +6°
Negative Camber Adjustments: 0 to -6°
Caster Increments: 1/2°
Positive Caster Adjustments: 0 to +12°
Negative Caster Adjustments: 0 to -4°
Bubble Level Included: Yes
Adapter Included: Yes
Case Included: Yes
Bolt Size: 5/16″-18

Additional information

Weight .6 kg
Dimensions 28 × 23 × 12 cm